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Awards & Prizes of IABMS 2024

IABMS has instituted various awards / prizes under different categories. Those who would like to apply for the following Awards must be an Annual / Life Member of the Association, otherwise the application cannot be considered for the award. All papers must be accompanied by the filled-in and signed declaration form. The manuscripts for the prize paper should be in Microsoft format (Time New Roman, 12 Points) and submitted (soft and hard copies) to the General Secretary, IABMS.


The prestigious IABMS award – M.K.NAMBIAR MEMORIAL ORATION AWARD is given to outgoing President and to other eminent Scientists nominated by the award committee appointed by the executive committee. These awardees will the advisors of IABMS association. However, they cannot contest in election for any post in the IABMS association.


This award is given for the best research paper in Ophthalmology for scientists below the age of 55 years (Age proof must be attached with appilcation).


This award is given for the best research paper in any aspect of Biomedcial sciences, for scientists below 45 years (Age proof must be attached with application).


This award is given for the best research paper on prevention / cure or any other aspect of cancer. If no paper is available, it is left to the discretion of the committee to give the award to any other good research paper. Age limit is 45 years (Age proof must be attached with application). 


This award is given for the best paper on any aspect of stress. Age limit for this prize is 50 years (Age proof must be attached with application).


Awards 2,3,4 and 5 are based on the original work conducted prefereably in India and it should not have been published or considered for publication in any journal at the time of submitting it for the IABMS awards.


This award is given for the best paper published in Biomedicine during the last one year. The selection will be made by the nominated members of the executive committee. Hence no sperate entry for this prize need be submitted.


This award is given for the best oral-presentation of orignal paper in any field og Bimedicine in the PGIBMS award session by a full time PG student / research scholar. The paper must be accompanied by a certificate from the Head of the Department to establish the bonafide of the contestant. Papers submitted by regular / part-time teaching Faculty of the Department and those above the age of 35 years are not eligible for the prize. No paper will be accepted for PGIBMS award session if submitted at the conference venue (Age proof must be attached with application).


This ward is given for the best paper in Physiology bead on a work carried out by a Postgraduate student in the Department of Physiology.


This award is given for the best research paper by professional undergraduates is an undergraduate of veterinary or other professional courses excluding medicine. The research paper must incorporate the student’s original work and the student should be the first author. Review articles will not be considered for this award. Every year if there is enough number of valid candidates, two of them will be selected for the award by a duly appointed selection panel, by the executive committee of IABMS.


This award is given for the best paper by any medical undergraduate. Paper submitted will be evaluated by a peer group for short-listing a minimum of three contestants for presentation at the annual conference. The selected three candidates will be adjudged at the annual conference by judges appointed from among the experts attending the conference and two prizes will be awarded.


This award is given for Biomedical scientists of eminence with proven academic and research contribution with not less than 25 years of professional standing. Eligible persons are to be nominated by a life member of IABMS / peer academicians. Self-nominations will not be entertained. The nominations are to be made on a plain paper with full address and designation. The proposal should have the consent letter of the nominee and his / her full bio-data and overall contribution made by the candidate. The nominations will be scrutinised by the executive committee / subcommittee and the executive committee decision is final. The selected scinentist for this award will receive a medal and a scroll. If no two nominations are received for a particular year, then the executive committee can nominate a suitable person for the award.


This award will be given to the best research paper in any branch of indigenous medicine such as Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani except Homeopathy.


This award is given to a Biomedical scientist of eminence in the field of environmental toxicology / environmental biology with proven academic and research contribution and with not less than 25 years professional standing. Eligible persons are to be nominated by a life member of IABMS / peer academicians. Nomination should be accompanied by consent letter and bio-data of the nominee.


This award is given to an eminent scientist who has done an outstanding contribution in the scientific evelaution of medicinal properties of plants. The eligiblity for the award will be a minimum of 20 years or research cum teaching experience in the evaluation of medicinal plants for their therapeutic use. Eligible persons are to be nominated by two life members of IABMS / academician. Nomination should be accompanied by consent letter and bio-data of the nominee.


This award is exclusively meant for scientist above 40 years for their original work done in the respective specialty in basic medical sciences. An expert committee formed by the donar department – ” Dept of physiology, PGIBMS” will evaluate the received papers and the decision of the committee is final ( AGe proff must be attached with application).


This award is given to a scientist ( no age bar) to us contributed original research output to develop a new research methodology in the discipline of pharmacology / environmental toxicology. An expert committee consisting of pharmacologists, toxicologists nominated by executive committee will select the awardee.


This award is exclusively meant for an eminent scientist above 50 years of age in any branch of medical sciences who is a life member of IABMS. A peer committee of IABMS consultation with the donors will select the awardee (Age proof must be attached with the application). 


This award is given for the outstanding patent registered or filed in the field of Biomedicine. A peer committee constituted by the executive committee of IABMS will select the awardee.


This award is given to young researchers, not exceeding in the age of 45, exclusively for the best research paper submitted in the field of Dentistry by the students perusing post-graduate degree in Dentistry (MDS) as well as Dentists with MDS degree (Age proof must be attached with the application).


The General Body of IABMS, in its 31st Annual General Body Meeting, held at Thiruchengode, on 30th October 2010, has passed a resolution that hence fourth, induction of new awards and sponsorships for the induction of new awards should not be entertained. 

General Conditions for applying for above awards:

1. The awards are exclusively for the members of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists

2. The papers submitted for the awards should not have been awarded earlier or submitted for any award for any other symposia or conference. A certificate of decleration in this regard should be submitted along with the paper.

3. For the awards, three copies of paper should be submitted to the General Secretary. The name of the prize should be clearly marked on the covering letter. Papers with statement “for any suitable prize” will be summarily rejected.

4. The paper should be certified by the research supervisor / guide or Head of the Institution to the effect that the work carried out by the author at the institution.

5. The authors are advised to submit preferably single author paper. If it is teamwork, the consent letter from all the co-authors indicating their acceptance for consideration of the nominee to present the paper and receive the award, should be enclosed along with the paper.

6. The Annual and Life Member should apply for only one Award. If they submit papers for more than one Award such application will be rejected totally.

7. Paper submitted with the statement ” May be considered for any suitable Award” will be rejected totally.

8. The papers submitted for various awards will be critically evaluated by the committe of experts in the concerned subject appointed by the executive committee of the Association along with one nominee of the donor of the award, and their decision is final. The papers scored below 60% of the evaluation will not be considered of the respective award.

9. The selected papers for the respective awards may be published in the journal ‘Biomedicine’ only if submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, in the format prescribed for the Biomedicine fulfilling the requirements of Biomedicine. However, the papers will be reviewed for its suitability of publication in Biomedicine by the editorial board of Biomedicine.

10. The eminent scientist nominated for the award Number 1 specified above, will be invited to deliver the oration at the inaugural function of the Annual Conference. Awardees to awards 11,13,14 & 17 are only by nominations.

11. The awardees should present the prize paper in the prize paper session of the conference meet for that year and he/she will not be awarded the prize or allowed to present the paper in subsequent conferences. The awardees will lose prize if he/she does not present prize paper at the annual conference for that year of the conference.

13. A scientist who has received any one the above awards of IABMS can NOT compete for any one of the above awards for next three years.

14. The papers selected for various prizes may be published in the journal ‘Biomedicine’, if authors with so. For publication in Biomedicine, authors have to submit their papers in the proper format to Editor-in-Chief of Biomedicine for consideration for publication, who will process the paper for the suitability of publication, and if found suitable authors have to fullfill other requirements of publication in Biomedicine. Authors of unselected papers may also submit their manuscripts to Editor-in-Chief for consideration for publication in Biomedicine.

15. All entries and correspondence regarding the awards and prizes should be addressed to: The General Seceratry, IABMS.


a) The IABMS honour its eligible Life-members and outstanding researchers in Bimedical Sciences by awarding them the Fellowship Title namely the FIAMBS (Fellow of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists) Title.

b) The eligibility criteria for FIABMS Title are:

(i) The applicant must be Indian Citizen and aged above 45 Years.

(ii) The applicant, a Biomedical Scientist must be a Life-member of IABMS for a minimum period of five (5) years and they should have attended the Annual Conference for a minimum of three (3) years and / or.

(iii) The applicant (a Life-member) must have a minimum of fifteen (15) years of outstanding experience in research in the field of Biomedical Sciences, as evidenced by the publications in peer reviewed, indexed, generous and with other academic accomplishment authorship in books, awards received from other associations / institutions.

(iv) The applicant must hold a Post Graduate degree in the field of Biomedical Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine, Indian Systmes of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering and allied studies with research publications in indexed / cited / peer reviewed National and International journals.

(c) An award committee by Executive Committee will scrutinise the applications received for FIABMS Title two months befor the Annual Conference of IABMS every year. The report submitted by scrutiny committee will be placed before the Executive Committee for its approval.

(d) The awardees will be intimated by the General Secretary and the award will be given during the Annual Conference of the Association.

(e) The Executive Committee has the right to limit the number of FIABMS award to a maximum of Eight to Ten applicants per year. 

(f) A fee of Rs.5000/- will have to be paid by the applicant while submission of the application and payment of fee does not assure the award presentation. If the Fellowship Title is not awarded to the applicant, the fee paid by him/her will be refunded. 

(g) If an applicant files to receive the FIABMS Title award in the Annual Conference of IABMS, it will not be carried forward for the next year and such applicants must submit fresh application for considerations and the fee paid by them previously will not be carried forward for the subsequent year. Moreover, the fees already paid will not be refunded to applicants.